North Hill represents the collaborative vision of two dynamic and ambitious individuals originating from diverse backgrounds. United in purpose, we have embarked on the creation of a high level transportation platform that seamlessly integrates the strengths of the East and West.
Our unique business model leverages geographical diversity as a cornerstone, strategically situating agents and assets across various countries and time zones. This deliberate setup allows us to provide tailor-made services to our widespread EU clientele, ensuring efficiency and personalized solutions.
Established amidst the challenges of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis in 2021, North Hill BV was born out of a shared commitment to enhancing knowledge and support within the logistical chains. We recognized the imperative role transportation plays in sustaining economies, especially during times of fragility in various market sectors.
As we proudly step into our fourth year, North Hill continues to evolve, expanding our international team and fortifying our support network. Our unwavering focus on customer availability, maintaining a premium quality standard, and incessant growth in knowledge remains at the core of our daily goals and benchmarks. We are not just navigating the logistics landscape; we are pioneering a future where excellence knows no borders.
The essentials within North Hill
Personnel and agents across a variety of EU countries
Cross trades and activities in transport encompassing the entire EU and beyond
Service providers within different levels of the supply chain Warehousing Integrated logistics Industrial project Air / Sea / Road / Multimodal / Rail Customs consultancy Logistics Training